You know, I said I was done with this New 52 business, but I just keep getting pulled back in. Usually it takes a baby 9 months to be born, so I thought I would check back in on storylines and see where everything is now. Before I do that though, I wanna talka bout a few other things.
First up, Adventure Time. I have always been a fan of the series, but the comic, which has only had 4 issues so far, has just been stellar. There is a real focus on keeping the comic on the same level of the show, and it really shines through. Like this panel:
What makes things even better is the fact that the comic has a running commentary at the bottom of every page- either little cartoons, editor's notes, or even notes from Pen Ward himself.
I strongly suggest checking this series out if you are a fan of the show, though it is probably not the best starting point for those unfamilar with the series. I'd put it right there with Atomic Robo, which is probably the most under rated book out there right now.
Next up, I have to give credit to Mark Millar to give us another fantastic book with Super Crooks. It is definitely not as realistic as Kick Ass, or as uplifting as Superior, or as dark as Nemesis... but I'd put it on the level with Wanted- just an awesome book that flows really well.
I will not be covering AvX for a bit because I'm way behind, but I have every intention of doing a whole blog on the series soon.
The same goes for the Night of the Owls- its a big crossover event and I think it deserves its own blog, so my Batfamily coverage may be a bit lax in some places.
Finally, I have to talk about what DC put out on FCBD, where they teased a number of events. I've talked a bit about Pandora, the Hooded Woman who appeared just after Flashpoint, but since her mass appearance, she really hasn't been mentioned since. She was given a few pages in the free comic, as she was punished by a council, along with two other "crimnals." She was punished for opening the box, as the myth atests, and her punishment isn't really clear, unlike the other two. Number one gets the following punishment for being vain: "You will now walk the earth as a phantom, appearing as a stranger to all that knew you in your former life." Pretty obvious, and it makes sense because Phantom Stranger is a huge part of the DCU, but the other guy who was punished for looking too for answers... very different story.

Oh yeah... they seem to be presenting the Question as being on the same ultra level as some of the other mystical and mysterious characters. I'm worried and excited for this all at the same time.
Ok, now that we got all the introductory stuff out of the way, let's look at the scoreboard from the last time I discussed my adds and drops:
Sticking (21): Batman, Justice League, Action Comics, Animal Man, O.M.A.C., Swamp Thing, Justice League International, Batman and Robin, Batwoman, Deathstroke, Demon Knights, Frankenstein, Agent of S.H.A.D.E., Green Lantern, Superman, DC Universe Presents, Green Lantern Corps, Nightwing, Wonder Woman, All-Star Western, The Shade, and Aquaman.
Probation (12): Batgirl, Catwoman, Red Lanterns, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Batwing, Detective Comics, Justice League: Dark, Suicide Squad, Blue Beetle, Fury of Firestorms, Green Lantern: The New Guardians, and Teen Titans.
Dropped (23): Batman: The Dark Knight, Men of War, Hawk and Dove, Green Arrow, Resurrection Man, Birds of Prey, Mister Terrific, I, Vampire, Supergirl, Legion Lost, Static Shock, Superboy, Penguin, Huntress, Voodoo, Legion of Super-Heroes, Flash, Stormwatch, Blackhawks, Grifter, My Greatest Adventure, Savage Hawkman, and Captain Atom
I can definitely say that there have been some changes to this list, including some cancellations and endings in italics
ACTION COMICS - Last time I talked about how Morrison was being really deep and complex in his execution of this series, but honestly, the series has been kinda dead in the water plot wise for a few weeks. There hasn't been a consistant story for a couple weeks, and even gave us a Superman story from another universe, where the Superman was black. A lot of flack was given, but I loved the issue, and the issues of a supervillain like Lex Luthor who hated Superman for being different, in this universe, everyone things Lex is a racist, when its everything but his race that bother Luthor. Really interesting spin.
ANIMAL MAN- This book is seriously creepifying and has shown little sign that its going to have a happy ending anytime soon. It is a fantastic book, but its definitely not one for the squeamish.
BATWING- I was happy to see that the whole Invisible Children/African Superheroes storyline has come to an end, and Batwing is currently in Night of the Owls, so we will talk more about it later. I might be dropping this book aft the next issue if it doesn't really blow me away.
DETECTIVE COMICS- As previously stated, this book definitely exists in the shadow of Batman. It isn't bad by any counts, but its just not as good. The book has spent the last couple issues with the Owls storyline, but before that we had a bit of filler that tried to make us care more about the Penguin than we should.
GREEN ARROW-DROPPED. I haven't given this book a second thought until recently when he appeared in Justice League. He was actually kinda cool there, so I think I might catch onto the next storyline. Very low expectations though.
HAWK AND DOVE -DROPPED AND CANCELLED. Liefeld drove this book into the ground, so of course DC gave him three more books to start work on- Deathstroke, Grifter, and Hawkman. Good riddance to the series.
JUSTICE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL- This book is a lot of fun, no doubt about it, and although there was a major blow to the book when one of my favorite characters died, I am still really enjoying the series. My one big thing is how the book is starting to treat August General in Iron- he's a great character, but he is starting to fall into this role as "philiosophical version of The Thing."
Its not blatant, but its a growing issue. Batman has left the book and has given us Batwing instead, which is nice, but I worry that its a death knell for the book. Lucky for us however, a cancelled book is now merging with this series, so we have a new member.
MEN OF WAR-DROPPED AND CANCELLED because it was the most boring book of the new 52.
O.M.A.C.- CANCELLED - It was one of my favorites and I was sad to see it go, knowing the character would flot for a year or so without a stable home, and I was wrong. OMAC joined the JLI which made me very happy and it certainly makes me happy. Almost as happy as seeing this little easter egg dealing with people who he could find to help him control the OMAC:
In case the pic isn't clear enough, the name Ted Kord is on that list.
RED LANTERNS- This book just barely keeps me reading. It isn't great, but it stays afloat somehow. I keep thinking it will tie into another book, but so far, nothing.
STATIC SHOCK- DROPPED AND CANCELLED- Sucked to see one of Mr. McDuffies finest characters disapear into the void, but I feel like he will re-emerge on a team sometime soon. Either on the Teen Titans, or with the Ravagers.
STORMWATCH- Much like Red Lanterns, I'm constantly wondering what's keeping me tethered to this book. It offers me next to nothing on answers or any form of enjoyment, but yet, I keep coming back to it. Lately, there has been an issue with finding a leader for the team. This panel needs no explanation:
Call it morbid curiosity, but I keep coming back to Stormwatch.
SWAMP THING- Everything I said about Animal Man goes with this series as well. Its very dark, and ominous, and evil. The title character has finally started taking some action which is nice. Where the series goes now will be very interesting.
BATGIRL- I nearly gave up on Batgirl, and I'm really happy a friend of mine talked me out of it. The series has gotten a lot better, and I think I can chalk up my unhappiness with a really crappy villain, which we luckily haven't dealt with for a few issues.
BATMAN AND ROBIN- This book had a really intense storyline in it that finally got wrapped up a few weeks ago. Damian kills again, and has apparently been thinking about killing for a while, based on some drawings we find.
In case those aren't clear, basically, its how he would murder each member of Batman's rogue's gallery, including cutting Two-Face's face in half with a chainsaw and cooking the Penguin and serving him like a turkey. The next panel isn't from Batman and Robin, but from the premiere issue of the new Batman Inc series:
And yes, that is my desktop background currently.
BATWOMAN- Remember when I was just reading this book for the phenomenal art? Well, that hasn't really shown up much in the last few issues, and the storyline of trying to hunt down fairy tale creatures is just beyong weird. It's a definite DROPPED.
DEATHSTROKE- We had a really great MacGuffin going for a while with the mysterious briefcase, but once that mystery was gone, the book itself seemed to begin to crash. The last issue was almost too much for my eyes since Liefeld took over the art. I will give it one more issue before dropping it completely.
DEMON KNIGHTS- This book is just strange in so many ways... the first major storyline wrapped in the last issue, and now that the Knights are off on a new mission, we can really see the teamwork building. The book reads like there's another part to every issue that readers should be aware of, but there isn't anything else. There's just a weird feeling about it.
FRANKENSTEIN, AGENT OF S.H.A.D.E.- Speaking of strange books, this book is just an oddity. The art is maybe some of the ugliest I have ever seen, but that is the point. The storylines rival Stormwatch for pure insanity.The series recently lost a couple characters, so we shall see how their exit affects the comic.
GREEN LANTERN- This story has taken a completely different turn than what I expected, and that's not a bad thing I never imagined the Sinestro as a GL storyline sticking, but it seems that this is something that is here to stay. Recently, the Indigo Lanterns have been explored, and I've been very pleased with what's going on there.
GRIFTER -DROPPED because it was maybe the worst overall series of the new 52.
THE HUNTRESS -DROPPED AND ENDED. I am just not interested in the character and I tried to give it another chance but it just didn't keep me interested. Now the book has joined with a character from Mister Terrific for World's Finest which, one issue in, I'm pretty happy with.
LEGION LOST -DROPPED because its a Legion book so it needs a 50 volume encyclopedia to follow effectively. I almost went into a deep depression when I found out it was part of the Culling crossover.
MISTER TERRIFIC- DROPPED AND CANCELLED because it totally messed up Power Girl and it just became really boring and trite. Now that PG is in a new series, I think it will be very interesting
PENGUIN: PAIN AND PREJUDICE- DROPPED AND ENDED I decided to give this title a shot and see it through as a miniseries, and I was right the first time. It sucks and it went nowhere.
RESURRECTION MAN -DROPPED. Much like Huntress, I gave it a chance but the character does nothing for me. Recently, this book had the dumbest crossover with Suicide Squad, which really drug that book down.
SUICIDE SQUAD- This book got off to a rough start, but its been pretty consistent since issue 2, and I have been pleased with the direction of stories, and I hope it maintains this feeling for a while.
SUPERBOY -DROPPED because it has the most boring protagonist of the reboot. If it wasn't for the crossover with Teen Titans, I still would be avoiding this series.
BATMAN - I can't say enough about how great Snyder's Batman is. It is fun, but I can't really say much since it has been neck deep in Owls from the beginning. With zero context, though, I have to share this picture:
BIRDS OF PREY-DROPPED because I hate the characterizations of the entire team. Its just a huge letdown.
BLUE BEETLE- This book is always a struggle to get through. Originally I thought it was because of the Mexican Spider-Man similarities, but honestly, I think it is much more than that. The story makes no logical sense, and it is such a huge difference from the original series that its painful to read. Family was vital to the storylines, and now it is just him on his own with no escape or hope of seeing his family again.
CAPTAIN ATOM -DROPPED because I've read Watchmen and know enough about Dr. Manhattan already. How this avoided cancellation is a mystery to me.
CATWOMAN- The rooftop sex has been kept to a real minimum since the first issue, and I'm not if I'm happy with that. It seemed like an important part of the character, and it just kind of fizzled out for a bit, and then she started doing it with a new guy who I have no doubt will become evil, so we shall see how that turns out.
DC UNIVERSE PRESENTS- Just as I said I would, I dropped the book when it switched to the Challengers, but now there is a new series based on Vandal Savage, which treats the lovable brute from Demon Knights as if he's Hannibal Lecter. Very interesting take on the character and I look forward to more of it.
GREEN LANTERN CORPS- This book should just be called Those Blue Assholes from Green Lantern. Seriously, these guys are awful and they show no sign of stopping the ridiculousness which has made zero sense from the start. I like Guy and John's ok, but this definitely the weakest of the GL titles.
JUSTICE LEAGUE- I was a little annoyed that the fight against Darkseid took up exactly four pages. It just feels really cheap, but I guess they can save the bigger and badder fights for other issues. Character interaction is still the star here, and it works really well, especially with Hal and Batman:
LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES -DROPPED. See Legion Lost, but at least this one's well written.
MY GREATEST ADVENTURE -DROPPED AND ENDED because I didn't care about any of the three stories they are trying to tell.
NIGHTWING- Nightwing has really tied closely to Owls for the last few issues, but I was not crazy about the circus storyline it had going. Glad that's over for sure.
RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS- This book got a really bad rep when it started but it has since become one of my favorite titles, especially here lately with Jason Todd getting more of a spotlight as an antihero.
THE SHADE- This book just exists on a whole other level where it doesn't fit in with the rest of the DCU, but it sometimes works really well and serves both a supernatural and a noirish role.
SUPERGIRL-DROPPED because I don't care too much about the character. I liked her character before the retcon, but this just isn't working for me. Maybe sometime later, I will pick it up and check it out again if I hear its good.
WONDER WOMAN- This book just exists for me. In the same realm as Red Lanterns, I have no idea why I'm reading it, but every week I try and get through it. Its almost a drop.
ALL-STAR WESTERN- The book had me highly involved for the first few issues, but somewhere around issue 8, the story just went off the rails, and I lost a lot of interest. I'm going to stick with it in hopes it will recapture what I liked at first, but its a few issues from dropping.
AQUAMAN- Let me sum up with this: Aquaman murdered Black Manta's father. Its too soon for me to say if that is the best twist or the worst, but I have really been enjoing this title.
BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT- This book makes absolutely no sense. I can't drop it because I keep thinking the next issue will answer all the Lost-level weirdness that goes down every issue.
BLACKHAWKS -DROPPED AND CANCELLED because I could not care less about any of these characters and the insanity that's going on with them. Its like Team America, if it had no humor.
THE FLASH -DROPPED... I read the Captain Cold issue finally, and while I wasn't crazy about the character rewrite, I didn't hate it, and I want to give it as much of a chance as I can.
THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN- Nine issues in and we are still on an origin story. I'm done with the book.
GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS- This book is really great at showing the different sides of each Corps and how they can all interact together. I'm really enjoying it, but I look forward to where the title goes next.
I, VAMPIRE-DROPPED because it just stopped being interesting. It had a lot of promise, but then let me down in the execution of the first three issues.
JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK- This comic is having a really tough time with the "Where do we go from her?" issue, and its only a couple issues from being dropped.
THE SAVAGE HAWKMAN -DROPPED because beautiful artwork is not everything in a comic.
SUPERMAN- This book had so much potential but it was all wasted. It did not go anywhere, and I lost all care or interest. Everything is vague in it and the Lois/Clark dynamic is the only thing I find appealing. Another casualty for the
TEEN TITANS- I have no problem admitting that I had my doubts but this is a really solid series, and I'm a huge fan of how the story is progressing. This book is way better than it should be.
VOODOO -DROPPED- because like Hawkman, 22 pages of softcore boobs are not enough to keep my attention. Its just ridiculous.