Sunday, July 10, 2011

Flashpoint: Abin Sur #2

Adam Schlagman and Felipe Massafera

"Emerald Connection:" Known as one of the most legendary Green Lanterns in all the universe, Abin Sur died on Earth, passing his ring on to Hal Jordan. Now, in the world of Flashpoint, Abin still lives, but has crashed on Earth for a completely new reason.

Summary: We open to a flashback to Sinestro and Abin training together, and we quickly see that Abin draws strength from his will, while Sinestro draws from control. Spoiler alert: He's a bad guy. Cutting back to the present, Abin is being pulled from the crash by Hal Jordan when Jordan is grabbed by government agents and pulled away. Cyborg arrives, and Abin falls from consciousness, only to wake up in a lab. Cyborg steps up and the two exchange about their missions, and Abin agrees to help Cyborg take out the Atlanteans/Amazons. Now, that the two have worked out a mission, something interesting occurs. In regular DC continuity, the president is President Diaz, and has been for a while. In the world of Flashpoint, some Obama guy is president. Not sure where they got this guy, but this doesn't seem realistic in the least. But I guess it would take an insane war, a bankrupt nation divided by insanity, and a scapegoat predecessor for us to elect this guy. Isn't Flashpoint insane? Politics aside, Joe Biden is also there... and he's checking out a blonde woman's ass. Make of that what you will. Anyway... so in a televised event, Abin appears as our first "alien" visitor. Abin heads off to scour the world for Atlantean/Amazon skirmishes and comes across the wreckage of the Ravager from the Deathstroke mini. His ring detects one life, but before he can get down to save it, Sinestro arrives on the scene. Sinestro explains that the Guardians do not know of his prescence on Earth, and that he needs to fulfill the prophecy of "Flashpoint." In case you were wondering if anyone was going to mention the event by name, put your worries to rest; it has happened. Sinestro explains that Atrocitus, who he was torturing and holding last issue, and has now executed so he cannot share the prophecy with anyone else, has told him of this prophecy, and based solely on the word of a horrible criminal, Sinestro is embracing the idea completely. Sinestro, however, wants to get ahead of the curve, and alter the past so that he can have a glorious future, but in order for that to happen, Abin must die. So the two fight, which results in Abin losing his ring hand. This makes the 50th hand that has been severed in a DC comic, so... let's give them a hand.

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Wow, even I thought that joke was bad...

Highs: Interesting take, and the art is really nice
Lows: Logic... there are WAAAAY to many holes here with Sinestro.
Verdict: B-. It's just ok. Nothing special, but it certainly sets up a nice What If type gig. So, let's get some Green laser dancing to close us out...

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