Friday, July 8, 2011

Subway #3

This is actually going to be a pretty fast review since it wasn't stupid... or great. It was just ok. Which means there is not much to talk about. We open up to our stars: Nastia Lukin, Apollo Ono, and Michael Phelps, all Olympians, training for their events when lunch arrives from... you guessed it: Quizno's.
In this one scene, we find out the characterizations of these guys: Apollo is easily amazed. Nastia is just a tool for foreshadowing. And Michael is a kidder who makes video game references and has the munchies. Can't imagine where that idea came from... Anyway, Batman is sent through the nearby wall as Mr. Freeze and Solomon Grundy appear. Unlike the previous sports heroes here, these three seem to have it together. Seeing a kid in the water near the fight, Phelps jumps in and saves him, despite the fact that this is an Olympic level gym and not a place for an unsupervised 8-year-old. That's just bad parenting... (generic Casey Anthony joke here, that will get a laugh or two but will ultimately make me sound awful). Thank God Aquaman wasn't in this... half the issue would be Aquaman's inability to swim without floaties... Freeze, for no reason whatsoever, stops fighting Batman and decides that the kid/Phelps should die, so he freezes the pool water, but is stopped short by Nastia, who distracts him. This distraction earns her getting shot in the face with a freeze gun... which, despite being two feet in front of him, the rays don't make it because Green Lantern shows up to save her. Grundy, now fighting Batman on the iced pool, is beating Batman pretty badly. Apollo skates over and does circles around Grundy until the ice breaks and Grundy falls through, unable to swim, shouting out the eloquent phrase, "WATER, BAD!." With both bad guys down, the heroes say thanks for the help from the Olympians, and we get this scene:
By the way, and I wish I could have included this, but that last disembodied line? Grundy. Seriously. You can make your own scenarios why this would occur... but I got nothing. He just shouts it for no reason. Then Michael eats another sandwich. The End. Hey Batman... I got a better idea for that energy...

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